Okay, so it's been a while...
I have only one excuse for not blogging in dogs' years. Okay, maybe two. As Amanda Elyot, the pen name under which I write historical fiction, I've been blogging over at http://www.historyhoydens.blogspot.com/ (first excuse for not keeping The Lady Novelist up to date) and because I've got four books coming out between January and June. Four? I'm a bit amazed myself.

One of them is a German translation of "Amanda's" 2005 release BY A LADY, Being the Adventures of an Enlightened American in Jane Austen's England.
Eine Lady in Bath will be on sale in February, 2008.
On January 22, the next Leslie Carroll novel from Avon, CHOOSING SOPHIE, a contemporary mother-daughter story about second chances, hits the bookstores.
And on February 5, the next Amanda Elyot historical fiction novel, ALL FOR LOVE: The Scandalous Life and Times of Royal Mistress Mary Robinson, will be released.

Not only that ... as Leslie Carroll I'll be making my historical nonfiction debut in June, 2008, with ROYAL AFFAIRS: A Lusty Romp Through the Extramarital Adventures that Rocked the British Monarchy.
I had all of five months to put together ROYAL AFFAIRS, which was like taking a self-taught graduate-level course in English History. Now, when I wonder if I can meet a deadline, I think about how much work it took to pull ROYAL AFFAIRS together with such a brief window in which to research and write it, and I believe that anything is possible!
Readers--when you know of writers who wear more than one creative hat (such as Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb), do you devour both of their genres with equal delight? Or do you prefer one over the other?
And what about you writers out there who have these split personalities? Care to share some of your "war stories" about writing under more than one name and in more than one genre?