Wednesday, January 11, 2006

What's up with these people?

I have to say that I don't believe any novelist who has even a shred of curiousity (not to mention ego), who claims not to read their reviews. Naturally, I agree with the people who love my books, and I think that the total strangers (of course from friends it would be even worse) who trash them in a public forum (such as Amazon) are nuts. Who feels compelled to say something dreadful and devastating about a book? There have been books I've not taken much of a shine to, but I would never take the time and energy to eviscerate them and their authors on the internet. That's like walking up to a woman wheeling a stroller on the street and exclaiming, "Damn, that's an ugly baby!"

So, there's a guy out there (okay, I'm assuming it's a guy) who dismissed THE MEMOIRS OF HELEN OF TROY out of hand because he says it should have been written in Linear B, which was the format--"platform" for us 21st century residents--during the Bronze Age. Like I wouldn't know that? I've only spent several months of research on the era. Oh, and he objects to my referring to scrolls, claiming they were invented by the Christians centuries later. Actually, if he really read the book, he'd see that my Helen writes on papyrus, which was invented by the Egyptians and would have been around back then ... but if I have written it on clay tablets in Linear B (this is where the FICTION element of "historical fiction" comes into play, Mr. "Historybuff") would Mr. Historybuff have been able to read them?

Then there was the man (I wonder how he sleeps at night) who felt compelled to dismiss HELEN with one sentence ("unreadable leftist-feminist trash.") I would laugh my head off, if I didn't wonder how many consumers gauge whether they want to purchase a book based on how many stars it's received on Amazon.

Anyone out there want to chime in on this?


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